5 Crazy Facts you probably didn’t know about your Liver!


5 Crazy Facts you probably didn’t know about your Liver!

The human liver is one of the most significant organs of our body. If it stops functioning in unfortunate cases, a human cannot survive even for 24 h

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The human liver is one of the most significant organs of our body. If it stops functioning in unfortunate cases, a human cannot survive even for 24 hours. 

Here we look at some 5 facts about the liver that will help us understand its importance & presence effectively. 

1. The Largest Organ – Hulk!

The liver is the largest organ of our body. Its average weight lies around between 1.3kg to 1.8kg. 

Its position is right below your diaphragm, lying just perfectly above your tummy. 

You can imagine it to be the size of a football. Its shape & structure is probably similar to a rugby ball. 

2. The Multi-Tasker.

Yeah! This grand organ shoulders the responsibility of performing dozens of tasks. 

Irrespective of the type of food you consume, everything passes through this checkpoint. 

It breaks & manufactures everything into a variety of substances such as protein, carbohydrates, nutrients, fats, etc. 

Apart from this, it also stores the vitamins & minerals and supplies them to different body parts as and when the need arises. 

The liver also plays an important role in monitoring the sugar levels, managing the process of supplying glucose to the brain, and also looking to tackle all sorts of infections. 

3. You can stay alive even if you don’t have your full liver!

Sounds scary! But, that’s true. Liver transplant has become easy due to this. It has an extraordinary superpower to regenerate itself even after half or let’s say 70% of it has been removed. 

This way it re-assembles itself and within a course of a few months, starts functioning as usual like a full-grown liver. 

What’s more interesting? It’s the only organ that can regenerate itself!

4. The Producer, Manufacturer & Supplier of Blood.

One of the most crucial tasks of a liver is to produce blood. 

All of the blood that flows richly in our body is produced by the liver. Therefore, without the presence of any organ , there’s simply no life possible.

Not only does it produce blood but also performs the function of filtering it efficiently.  

It’s basically a powerhouse that keeps on running & operating numerous processes. 

5. Your brain’s health depends on the health of your liver. 

If you want the good health of your brain, you need to make sure that your liver is working top-notch. 

The reason is, the liver helps your body toxic substances that have entered your body and filter it out in order to make them harmless. 

But again, for this, your organ must work fantastically because if it fails to, it would lead to a condition called hepatic encephalopathy.