Aging and the tips to cope with it!


Aging and the tips to cope with it!

You still look so young!  Well, here’s a positive affirmation to start this blog. Who knows, this might bring a smile to thousands of faces before kn

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You still look so young!  Well, here’s a positive affirmation to start this blog. Who knows, this might bring a smile to thousands of faces before knowing the tips to cope with aging. Okay! When did you first realize that you are growing old or you’re aging with time? Is it when your back started aching badly while lifting the chair from the living room? Or when you tried to lift your daughter’s school bag? 

And you know what? There’s no need to panic! Because you still have a life. 

It’s not over yet anymore!

We know deep down that time flies so quickly that we start thinking about all those activities that we did in the past or have left incomplete. There’s so much more to do but in a blink of an eye, everything seems to have moved at a rocket pace. 

Life is different for all of us. We all have been watching not only ourselves but also people from diversified walks of life. For someone, retirement happened at 52 whereas, on the contrary, someone is still working hard at 77 to feed his family. 

Do you really feel that there is anything like “aging” making sense to them?

No, right! The question is why are we so worried about the wrinkles on our faces? Aren’t they natural? Or are we some different species than the rest of the world? Okay! No more bombarding you with questions. Here are 4 tips that will help you cope with your aging! And remember, you still look young:)

1. Change your perspective towards life as you’re aging.

Age is just a number. How grateful would you be if we tell you that not everyone gets to experience this period of relaxation, peace & family time? 

You have transitioned yourself from a period when you were young, bright, and full of energy to a phase of planning your retirement life after seeing your wrinkles appear in multiples. Wait, just a second. Who in the world starts planning their retirement so early?

The reality is that our mind processes information at a quick pace and we tend to form stories in our head that we narrate to ourselves later. These are based on our experiences and what we notice around us in our day-to-day lives. 

But isn’t it wonderful that you are about to start the 2nd innings of your life? Now, the question to ask yourself is: 

Do I want to live the rest of my life to the fullest or continue procrastinating and worrying about the wrinkles on my face and hands?

We leave you with this question as we move ahead to our next point.

2. Laugh hard & bright as much as you can in the time period of aging.

tips to cope with the aging

Received a funny joke on your senior citizen’s WhatsApp group? Before you forward it to your family group, laugh out loud. Enjoy the joke thoroughly. Put up a big smile before you share it with them.

What’s the benefit? The moment you start laughing, it will cheer up your mood and your face & abdomen muscles will flex. Additionally, laughing triggers an energetic vibe in your mood and you experience a sudden boost of positive vibes on your face. 

Laughing is the best medicine, they say! And it’s true because it relaxes your mind and body. When you start growing old, your list of daily tasks reduces drastically and you have a handsome amount of free time at your disposal.

And what’s better than sharing a joke with your partner? Just imagine the positivity & warmth that you will experience by having a good laugh together! 

3. Take due care of your body as well as your mind is the most important thing of aging.

As you have reached the age where wrinkles are your new partner, it’s time to reorganize your food intake. 

It’s recommended to consume nutritious and vitamin-rich food as much as possible. Green leafy vegetables & juicy fruits should be consumed on the go. Also, if you do not have a habit of exercising daily, start today! It will help you stretch and relax your muscles.

However, if you are someone who doesn’t like to exercise much, you can start by taking a quick walk of 20-25 minutes. This is because walking has its own set of advantages. It improves your breathing, blood circulation and supports your joints. Of course, it helps you reduce your weight too:)

A lot of people love to play games and puzzles that put their minds to work. This could be treasure hunt puzzles, case studies, board games, sudoku, etc. 

The benefit is that it blocks your mind for a particular activity for 1-2 hours. 

Also, try keeping up with good company. A lot of people like to spend time with their younger ones, thus trying to understand their perspective towards life. Spending time with your near & dear ones is what we all love to do always. 

4. Love your body & soul while you’re forming into a delicate body.

The beauty definitions have kept changing for years now. In the modern age of standardized cosmetics, therapy processes, and anti-aging treatments, each one of us has started viewing beauty as a different phenomenon. 

We as a society are becoming more and more reluctant towards accepting wrinkles on our faces. As the famous quote says: You’re a product of your past habits and decisions. 

Although, we are not intending to debate the harmful effects of over-usage of beauty products on our skins. But are we really judging our beauty and human values on the basis of these few wrinkles?

Just look around once. We are living in an age of quick access filters and beautification apps. Is there a need to beautify our digital self for the sake of our few social media followers?

Moreover, magazines, photoshoots, and beauty contests make us feel judgemental about our own bodies. This becomes a great opportunity for cosmetic-manufacturing companies as they get a chance to capitalize on our fear and insecurities. 

So the point is: Love your body! You are your own beauty pageant. You are beautiful in your own way. Never let these stupid wrinkles spoil your mood.