Amazing Facts about Human Body!


Amazing Facts about Human Body!

Your physical manifestation is beautiful. They have so many fascinating and unusual body facts that it will boggle your mind. Intrigued? Do you like

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Your physical manifestation is beautiful. They have so many fascinating and unusual body facts that it will boggle your mind. Intrigued? Do you like to learn more strange human body facts? In that case, let’s reveal all the interesting information about the human body. Read on!

Look about you; there are many scientific wonders in the world. There are many things to be in awe at, from the very foundations of life to the furthest reaches of space. The list now includes your human body.

Indeed, the human body is a remarkable organism. You don’t think so?

Look over these statistics; you might be surprised by what you find out about your human body.

1. Your body is made of about 7 octillion atoms (that’s 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms).

2. There are 37 trillion cells in your body.

3. Stomach acid can dissolve metal.

4. Your skin’s outer layer sheds every 2-4 weeks, amounting to roughly 0.7 kg of dead skin in a year.

5. Cells in the inner lens of the eye, muscle cells of the heart, and the neurons of the cerebral cortex are the only cells that will be with you your entire life.

6. If you were to spread out all the wrinkles in your brain, it would be about the size of a pillowcase.

7. There are a trillion nerves powering your memory. Studies have shown that after viewing 2,500 images for only 3 seconds, participants could recall if they had seen the images with 92 percent accuracy.

8. You spend 10 percent of the day blinking.

9. Your eyes can distinguish between 2.3 and 7.5 million different colours.

10. Your nose can differentiate between 1 trillion different smells.

11. Your fingers can feel a ridge as small as 13 nanometers in size (7,500x smaller than the diameter of a human hair).

12. Without your pinky finger, you would lose 50% of your hand’s strength.

13. Your heart beats 100,000 times per day, pumping 5.5 litres per minute, which adds up to about 3 million litres of blood a year.

14. Human decomposition begins around 4 minutes after death, a process known as ‘self-digestion’ where your enzymes and bacteria eat you away.

15. The skeletal system includes teeth, however they are not regarded to be actual bones.