Category: Health

For reliable information that can help you make the greatest decisions for your health and wellbeing, turn to Mentoworld. As a company, we strive to protect the vulnerable, maintain global safety, and promote health.

1 2 3 438 / 38 POSTS
A complete Guide To Caring For Sensitive Teeth!

A complete Guide To Caring For Sensitive Teeth!

The pain associated with sensitive teeth can vary, but there aren't many underlying causes. When you see the dentist, you can remark that drinking ho [...]
Top Advantages Of Positive Visualization!

Top Advantages Of Positive Visualization!

Positive Visualization and mental imagery are effective strategies for improving teen mental health. Teenagers who engage in positive visualisation e [...]
How to Effectively Avoid Bad Habits!

How to Effectively Avoid Bad Habits!

Do you regularly engage in actions that are bad for your health? Some may be obvious, like stopping at your neighbourhood fast food restaurant every [...]
Why Walking Is a Better Energy Booster Than Coffee?

Why Walking Is a Better Energy Booster Than Coffee?

It's easy to get into the habit of reaching for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning and then again when you need a boost in the afternoon. Ins [...]
7 Tips to Lose Weight without Dieting!

7 Tips to Lose Weight without Dieting!

Yes, you can definitely do that! A lot of people say that without dieting, you cannot lose weight. You might be thinking that okay, without dieting, [...]
The worst sleep-disrupting and insomnia-inducing habits!

The worst sleep-disrupting and insomnia-inducing habits!

When you don't make a conscious effort to maintain good sleeping habits, it's easy to fall into bad ones, but good sleep is critical for your health. [...]
Before and After a Workout: What to Eat?

Before and After a Workout: What to Eat?

Exercise or physical activity on a regular basis is essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. However, due to our tight work schedules, we strive [...]
Aging and the tips to cope with it!

Aging and the tips to cope with it!

You still look so young!  Well, here’s a positive affirmation to start this blog. Who knows, this might bring a smile to thousands of faces before kn [...]
1 2 3 438 / 38 POSTS