When you don't make a conscious effort to maintain good sleeping habits, it's easy to fall into bad ones, but good sleep is critical for your health.
When you don’t make a conscious effort to maintain good sleeping habits, it’s easy to fall into bad ones, but good sleep is critical for your health. Sleep deprivation has more effects on the body than most people realise, and it can even lead to life-threatening disorders like weakened immunity, anxiety, heart disease, stroke, depression, and more.
Consistent sleep habits can help you feel, look, and perform your best every day. They can also improve your mental health, keep you looking young, and foster more significant brain function, allowing you to feel, look, and perform at your best.
What you do in the hours leading up to bedtime can have a big impact on the quality of your sleep. To escape the pattern of sleep deprivation, we’ve outlined some terrible sleep behaviours you should avoid.
1. Binge-watching before going to bed
We’re not talking about binge-watching your favourite show; we’re talking about supper, dessert, and late-night munchies. Your body needs time to digest all that food before you lie down; otherwise, you’ll likely get indigestion and heartburn, which will disrupt your sleep. Because gravity isn’t helping to keep the stomach acid in place when you’re lying down, it exacerbates the situation.
Break the habit: By eating dinner 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
2. Indulging in Too Many Nightcaps
It’s simply not true that drinking alcohol before bedtime improves your sleep. While alcohol may make you sleepy, multiple studies show that it interferes with your capacity to enter and maintain a deep, peaceful sleep state.
Break the habit: By only drinking alcohol in the early evenings or not at all. If you eat anything after this time, your body won’t be able to digest it before you go to bed, and you’ll be disrupting your sleep.
3. Work up a sweat before going to bed
Exercising vigorously before bedtime, such as going for a long run, can make sleeping harder. Intense activity elevates your body temperature and releases endorphins, as well as raising cortisol levels. In fact, people who exercise on a regular basis say they sleep better. However, in order to sleep effectively, your core body temperature must drop.
Break the habit: Hey, it’s excellent for you to exercise, so keep it up. Heavy-duty workouts should be done at least 1 to 2 hours before night. You might also think about incorporating relaxing exercises into your sleep regimen, such as yoga or gentle stretching.
4. Allowing Your Inner Night Owl to Speak
It’s tempting to stay up an extra hour or two in the hopes of getting more work done. However, getting into the habit of going to bed later and later might be harmful to your health. Not only do night owls get less sleep, but they’re also more likely to have unhealthy eating habits and ailments like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Break the habit: Get into a schedule too, even if it’s difficult, especially for night owls, try to keep to the same bedtime and wake-up time every day. Start by going to bed 15 minutes earlier and waking up 15 minutes earlier for a week.
5. Do You Sleep With Your Screen On?
Your smartphone has become an integral component of your daily routine. It’s a combination of newscaster, travel planner, organiser, entertainer, alarm, and more. Your brain, on the other hand, is built to react to what it sees on the screen. Instead of lulling you to sleep, it acts as a stimulant. Additionally, the light from those devices might disrupt your sleep by suggesting to your brain that it is still time to be awake rather than releasing sleep-inducing hormones.
Break the habit: Keep track of your screen time before going to bed. Once you’re in bed, try not to look at your phone. Instead, read a book (not an app on your phone) before going to bed.
6. When You’re Busy, Sleep Less
We all have different reasons for being busy, and it’s simple to find extra time in the day by sleeping less. Unfortunately, not getting enough sleep has a substantial impact on the quality of our waking time. You might not notice much of a difference if you spend the day bleary-eyed and befuddled if you don’t get enough sleep. Every night, spend enough time in bed to meet your requirements.
Break the habit: Go to bed when you’re tired, and try to suit your particular sleep demands by blocking out other activities during your period. Try to obtain 15 to 30 minutes of sunshine exposure in the morning, either when you first wake up or as the sun rises.
7. Altering Your Sleep Schedule From Day to Day
We are creatures of habit, and our sleeping patterns are no different. If you go to bed and wake up at different times every day, your body will have no idea when it is supposed to feel tired and drowsy. The circadian rhythm, or natural clock, is ultimately accountable for this, and changing the times we sleep can have a negative impact on it. We can have it better if we stick to a regular schedule.
Break the habit: Set an alarm for when you want to get up and go to bed when you’re tired, ensuring you get enough sleep on a regular basis to suit your needs.
Sleep deprivation can affect every part of one’s life. When you are deprived, everything from your capacity to focus, commit information to memory, handle stress, and control your mood is affected. You may set yourself up for a good night’s and a more productive day by avoiding the bad sleep behaviors listed above.