7 Mind-blowing facts about Peanut Butter!


7 Mind-blowing facts about Peanut Butter!

This heavenly product rich in protein & magnesium is enough to make us go GAGA over its taste! Of course, because who doesn’t love Peanut Butter?

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This heavenly product rich in protein & magnesium is enough to make us go GAGA over its taste! Of course, because who doesn’t love Peanut Butter? 

For some, it’s one of those must-have breakfast ingredients. For others, it’s a quick sizzling evening snack alongside apples or oats!

However, here are some mind-blowing facts that you must know as a hardcore Peanut Butter Fan:

1. It was made for Toothless people!

Yeah. You read it right! This product was originally made for people who had no teeth. 

Anyway, to enjoy peanut butter, you don’t need your teeth. Do you? 

And, now you are imagining what it would be to enjoy butter without involving your teeth! Isn’t it?

2. Half of peanut butter’s success credit goes to sliced bread.

The equal partner who’s equally responsible for the success of peanut butter.

It would be fair enough to say that the invention of sliced bread has boosted the fame and sales of this butter!

The majority of people love to enjoy their peanut butter with a slice of bread. 

It’s amazing to see how these two products complement each other’s utility. 

3. Want rich and healthy bones? 

Peanut butter is believed to supply you with the necessary protein & calcium that will strengthen your bones. 

Not only among kids, but even adults love to consume butter to maintain their fitness levels. 

So when are planning to binge eat?

4. It offers you a bundle of health benefits:

The antioxidants and vitamins C & E present in butter help your skin fight those irritating pores and wrinkles. 

Also, it is known to decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes in patients. 

Not only that, it helps you improve the mind-functioning of your memory through its B3 vitamin. 

5. It takes so many peanuts to produce just a handful of butter.

Approximately 840-850 peanuts are required to make 500-515grams or 18 ounces of peanut butter. 

And practically, these are a lot of peanuts. 

Just imagine, the number of peanuts that are being processed every day at factories in order to produce one jar of peanut butter!

6. 700 Million Pounds – the average consumption by Americans per year!

Americans are said to be crushing over Butter lately:)

Undoubtedly, it’s one of their hot favorites consumables. 

Also, they prefer the sandwiches to be top up with jelly alongside their best friend, peanut butter. 

7. Difference of choice between Men, Women & Children.

Research says that usually men prefer enjoying peanut butter that has a crunch and nutty texture. 

Whereas, women and children are generally on the creamier side. They prefer their peanut butter to be plain.